Tuesday, June 25, 2013

When Everything Doesn't Go Right

I am choosing to express my deep dislike for days when your classroom is thrown into upheaval and things don't go your way. That's right, I'm talking about when your assistant teacher is out sick for several days. As a head teacher you, of course, have high hopes and KNOW that everything will run smoothly. Man oh man how wrong we are! Every. Single. Time.

I consider myself to be a fairly flexible teacher, I have no problem moving things around in my day to accommodate something else or throwing a project out the window and doing something completely different. I can go with the flow with the best of 'em, but when you have a floater who doesn't know anything about your schedule (no matter how many times they have worked in your room) it makes the entire day choppy. I can't just do circle time, I have to do calendar and then stop to give direction to whoever happens to be in my classroom, then I do weather and have to stop again to give a different direction. And so it goes through the entire day and I end up accomplishing next to nothing and knowing that the next day will be equally as bad because then I will be two days behind instead of one. 

Now I have nothing against floaters they work with what they are given, but there is something to be said about having your assistant right there to help make the day run smoothly. With 12 two and three year olds this is a necessity and not just me being picky. Although I have been told I am very picky as well! 

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